Seeking special nanny gifts? Think lovely, keepsake items to thank your nanny for her indispensible assistance with those who mean the most to you: your precious children. What would your life be like without the consistent, reliable, loving, nurturing help of a nanny to yourself, but especially to your children? Your nanny helps keep you sane, right? You and your children love her, right?
I found the following definition of a nanny at The Nanny Gift Shop. See if you agree with a nanny's job description:
"Nan-ny (nah-nee) n. childcare provider, activities director, teacher, dresser, beautician, nutritionist, chef, hygienist, janitor, nurse, dramatic reader, performer, entertainer, costume-maker, arts-and-crafts instructor, dance partner, chauffeur and stroller-pusher, personal shopper, secretary, historian, detective, confidant, companion, counselor, coach, bodyguard, self-defense instructor, tutor, cheerleader, appreciative audience, hugger, boo-boo kisser, potty trainer, learner, listener, helper, arbiter, peace keeper, honorary extended-family member, lifelong influence, shaper of the future."
Raising kids is tough. You know that, and that's why you hired a nanny. Nannies make the world a better place. The services of a nanny are invaluable. Showing appreciation to your nanny, the most valuable asset to your family, is crucial for a nanny's job satisfaction and longevity.
Nannies appreciate receiving
personal, thoughtful gifts that mothers themselves like to receive, gifts that take them to a place where they can relax in body, mind, and spirit: pamper gifts, aromatherapy gifts, stationery gifts, beautiful writing journals and brag books, inspirational books, angel figurines, and more.
Give your nanny special heart-felt gifts, pay her well, and verbally tell her how much you appreciate her, often.