Our Mission: We want to equip every fire truck with life-saving pet respirators because pets need oxygen, too. When firemen are trained and have the right equipment, they have a greater likelihood of saving the ENTIRE family - your pet is a vital part of that. A shout out to all of our EMS and firemen! “When we revive a pet, we restore a family.”
Today, Friday, February 8, 2013, 5 p.m. Mountain time, through Sunday, February 10, 2013, 5 p.m. Mountain (Colorado) time, join little Zoe, Sharon Smith, and the Kindred Spirits Gift Shop, LLC, at the “Oxygen Fur Pets” Fundraiser and help us raise funds to save the lives of our furry friends!
The pet oxygen kits include three sizes of pet oxygen masks with tubing, carry tote, CD for training, stickers, and incident report. Your donation will go to the Alpharetta Department of Public Safety to equip fire trucks serving Alpharetta, Georgia.
You can donate in your own name or in the name of a beloved pet. The cost to sponsor a full pet oxygen kit is $70 plus $13.30 for shipping and handling. We will gladly accept a donation as small as ONE dollar! Help prevent the loss of a pet during a fire.
Rules for Entry:
1. “Like” the “Oxygen Fur Pets” Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OxygenFurPets?fref=ts.
2. “Like” the Kindred Spirits Gift Shop, LLC, Facebook page (who is donating the gifts).
3. Make a $1 “love donation” through PayPal to the PayPal account of Sharon Smith and her volunteer firefighter husband, Frank Hansen, which is steppenwolf60@hotmail.com. Each $1 with your name from the PayPal donation will be entered into a drawing to win one of four prizes, provided by the Kindred Spirits Gift Shop, LLC.
4. Increase your odds of winning one of the prizes by donating additional $1 increments. Example, if you wish to donate $5, you will be entered five times in our drawing!
5. 100 percent of the proceeds raised will be used to purchase pet oxygen kits.
6. Winners will be chosen by Random.org. on Sunday, February 10, 2013, at 7 p.m. Mountain (Colorado) Time and will be notified no later than the close of business on Monday, February 11, 2013. The winners’ gifts will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail the week of February 11, 2013. Please note: Shipping is limited to within the USA only.
“Follow” Oxygen Fur Pets’ Facebook page and see what we are doing to make a difference!
In addition to all of us pitching in our dollars, if you purchase any gift item from the Kindred Spirits Gift Shop, LLC, during the Oxygen Fur Pets event, the Kindred Spirits Gift Shop, LLC, will donate 10% of the subtotal of your order to Oxygen Fur Pets! This amount will NOT be added onto your order!
Would you like to assist your community’s firemen with life-saving pet gear? Please contact Sharon directly through Oxygen Fur Pets and she can get you started!
Let's have some fun, buy some pet oxygen kits, and save lives! Thank you all for your participation!
Zoe, Sharon Smith, and Jean Brudd