"The U.S. Postal Service is the only delivery service that reaches every address in the nation, 150 million residences, businesses and Post Office Boxes, making it the perfect partner for the LOUIE Awards, whose focus lies in celebrating the importance of sending or receiving a handwritten card or note through the mailbox as we exist in the digital age," according to Gift Shop Magazine.
Are you someone who keeps up the tradition of sending greeting cards and handwritten notes through the mail? The last time you received a greeting card or handwritten note in your mailbox, how did it make you feel? Don't forget that feeling because someone you know wants to experience that great feeling as well.
The next time you want to surprise someone -- for any occasion, or for no occasion at all -- do so with a greeting card or handwritten note. It is the least expensive gift you can give that just may be kept forever.
Receiving a greeting card or handwritten note in the mail sure beats receiving a bunch of bills in your mailbox. Don't you agree?