Today is July 18th. I'll never forget the date. It is -- or do we say "was"? -- my mother's birthday.
My 25th birthday was the worst in my life knowing that any day my mother would be gone from the cancer that invaded her lungs, liver, and bones. From the date of diagnosis to when she passed was a mere six weeks. The fact that she would die one day from cancer was never a surprise. She had been a heavy smoker of Pall Mall cigarettes her entire life.
I have used this photo of my mom and I in my Mother's Day newsletter this year. It is one of my favorites. Sitting on the sofa, holding my Chrissy doll, clearly I enjoyed her company and was so enamored with her. She was such a good mother. Unfortunately, this is one of the few photos I have of the two of us together. Too bad we didn't have digital cameras back then, because I'm sure more family pictures would have been taken, period.
So get to snapping those pictures of your mother and let her know how much you love her any chance you get.
Happy Birthday, my Angel Mother.