Work deadlines, bills to pay, laundry piling up, a dirty house . . . sometimes it can all be so overwhelming that you don't even know where to begin the day. And it's not even the weekend yet.
Carve out a few hours of the day to do something you absolutely love, something you haven't done in quite a while. I'm sure you know what that is!
For instance, I love to sew and machine-embroider. I taught myself how to sew on a $200 Singer. I love sewing so much, when it was time to replace my Singer, I made the leap and purchased one of the best machines in the industry, something that would pay the mortgage for many months. I am not doing that machine justice!
Try not to feel guilty that there are things that need your attention and you just don't want to deal with them. It's okay to be an "adult," and walk away from the obligations for a few hours and do what you want to do. Dust off that sewing machine or bike, or whatever you haven't touched in a while, and go play. When your mind and body returns to a peaceful state, you'll be able to handle all those built-up tasks with gusto.
I'm taking my own advice today. This is a gift I am giving to myself, some therapy time, some Me time. Everything else can wait.