With flowers, there’s usually not a whole lot of thought and time involved in choosing them. That makes them an old standby. The novelty of receiving flowers wears off minutes after they’re put in a vase and placed on a table or on the kitchen counter, which is a sad reality for the gift giver who just spent a chunk of change purchasing them. Then, too, the recipient is left with another vase to add to her stockpile, until the stockpile is sold at a garage sale for pennies or put in the recycle bin.
In our challenging economic times, flowers can be a frivolous indulgence. However, the act of giving doesn’t have to fall by the wayside. Life’s events should be acknowledged and/or celebrated. One should be able to enjoy giving gifts, as usual, even if one is on a strict budget.
This is where standalone keepsake gifts and/or gift baskets come into play. At the Kindred Spirits Gift Shop, this is our specialty. We’re doing the legwork of choosing unique gifts -- and even doing the gift-wrapping -- so you don’t have to.
Now, we ask you: Would you rather your hard-earned dollars be spent on something that will be dead in a week and end up in the trash can, or would you rather spend your dollars on a gift that will be remembered always and cherished?
For your gift recipient to be able to enjoy a well-thought-out gift for many years to come, now that’s priceless!